
IR temperature calibration within the Instrument Solutions laboratory

BSRIA Instrumentation offers users of instrumentation used to measure temperature a number of different calibration facilities. These cover a wide range of temperatures and include:-

  • Environmental air chambers for equipment such as data loggers and probes over the temperature range of -20 to + 70 oC
  • Liquid immersion baths, hot blocks and furnaces for probes over the range of -80 to +1300 oC
  • Infra Red (IR) sources, also known as black bodies, for equipment such as thermal imaging cameras and pyranometers over the range of -15 to + 500 oC

Calibration options include traceable to national standards under the BSRIA ISO 9001 accreditation or UKAS accredited calibrations against the ISO 17025 standard. N.B. Temperature ranges vary for different types of instrument so please contact the calibration team on 01344 459314 or calibration@bsria.co.uk to discuss any specific technical requirements.

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UKAS Calibration Accreditation

Click here to access our latest UKAS ISO 17025:2017 calibration accreditation schedule