Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems 2nd edition (Superseded) (AG 1/2001)

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This publication has been superseded by AG 1/2001.1

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Written for system designers and installers. Presents an updated revision to BSRIA Application Guide, AG 8/91 'Pre-Commission Cleaning of Water Systems', which is intended to be both an information source and a statement of the minimum requirements for effective system cleaning. Sets out a comprehensive procedure for pre-commission cleaning, incorporating new recommendations and procedures to help combat the growing incidence of bacteria-related contamination(e.g. pseudomonas) in closed systems which have become more common during the 1990s. States the Guide is intended for recirculating heating and cooling systems and does not apply to hot and cold water supplies. Deals with the topic under the headings - Design considerations, Installation considerations, System dynamic flushing, Chemical cleaning procedure.

Revision History

First edition: AG 8/91 Pre-Commissioning Cleaning of Water Systems

Second edition: AG 1/2001 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems

Third edition: AG 1/2001.1 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems (published in 2004)

Fourth edition: BG 29/2011 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems

Fifth edition: BG 29/2012 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems

Sixth edition: BG 29/2020 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems

Amended sixth edition: BG 29/2021 Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems

Product details

  • Published: February 2001
  • Publisher: BSRIA
  • Author: Parsloe C J
  • ISBN-13: 0-86022-569-0

Common customer questions & answers

QQuestion Which edition of BSRIA’s Pre-commission Cleaning guide should I be using?
AAnswer The current edition of BSRIA’s Pre-commission Cleaning guide is BG 29/2021. It was revised in partnership with the CSCA with input from an industry steering group, members of which are listed in the guide. It supersedes all previous editions of the guide. It is BSRIA’s intention that, in normal circumstances, BG 29/2021 should be used in preference to any superseded editions of the guide. Superseded versions of the guide are still available (see Revision History above) as they provide useful reference information for older projects. Users of BG 29/2021 should be aware that it is a guide, not a regulation. It is for individual project teams to decide whether to follow the guidance, and this should be made clear in project documentation.