Member Webinar - Ventilation in Buildings, Pre and Post Covid-19

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Join us for this member-exclusive session that will summarise latest guidance on ventilation in buildings, what we can do to better protect building occupants, and what the future may look like.

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This event will be of particular importance to facilities managers, building operators, engineers, designers and other built environment professionals who are looking to influence positive outcomes even… or perhaps especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

Ventilation has always been important and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is believed to be associated with a number of phenomena; most notably Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Building-Related Illness (BRI), and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). But of course, IAQ has very much come to the fore.

During this event we will:

  • Examine the guidance and the numbers that sit behind this;
  • How we improve ventilation in the buildings we have;
  • What the future of ventilation looks like.

The event will be delivered by the membership team with guest speaker Nick Blake, Principal FM Consultant at BSRIA.

Nick joined BSRIA in the summer of 2018 to support the Sustainable Construction Group in delivering services to building owners and operators in the FM field: from conceptual design to on-site construction right through to post occupancy evaluation and legacy systems.

Nick has taken a lead within BSRIA to support our members and customers to respond effectively to the pandemic.

Product details

  • Publisher: BSRIA