Megger LTW425

Megger LTW425 with case and strap, test lead set, mains lead set, manual and calibration certificate


The Megger LTW425 two wire earth loop tester verifies the loop impedance of a live electrical circuit, ie without the need to disconnect the electrical supply. The instrument also offers a 2 wire loop testing solution that does not trip 30 mA RCD's and can be used on a wide range of voltages.


  • 2 Wire Non-tripping loop tester
  • 50 V to 440 V operation
  • 110 V centre-tap loop testing
  • Backlight display
  • CATIV installation testing
  • AUTO start - operation
  • High resolution (0.001Ω) 2 wire testing + maxZ + (R1+R2)


Voltage measurement

AC 50V to 440V

Voltage accuracy ±2% ±1V

Voltage range 25Hz to 99.99Hz

Voltage accuracy ±0.1Hz

No-trip loop and high current loop test

Source voltage 50V to 440V (50Hz)

Display range 0.01Ω to 2000Ω

Accuracy ±5% ±0.03Ω

Nominal test current No-Trip loop test 15 mA (at nominal 230Vac supply) High current loop test 4 A (at nominal 230 Vac supply)

Operational range 0.30Ω to 1000Ω

High resolution loop test

Source voltage 50 V to 440 V (50Hz)

Display range 0.001Ω to 2000Ω

Accuracy ±5% ±0.01Ω

Nominal test current 4A at nominal 230V supply

Operational range 0.30Ω to 1000Ω

Prospective Fault Current (PFC)

Prospective fault current Measured Source Voltage / Loop resistance

Maximum range 40 kA; accuracy is derived from loop test and voltage measurement.

Battery life 2000 consecutive tests

Weight 1kg approximately excluding test leads

Dimensions 203 x 148 x 78 mm

Support documents

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Megger LTW300 series user manual.pdf Megger LTW300 series user manual
Technical document
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Megger LTW300 series data sheet.pdf Megger LTW300 series data sheet
Technical document
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