World Structured Cabling 2023/R2022

16 countries were researched in 2022 and the beginning of 2023 and they include: USA, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, China, South Korea, India, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and UAE. Data from 2021 include 7 countries; Canada, Chile, Australia, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal and SEA. Data from 2020 include Japan, HK & Macao, Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. 2019 data for Norway. A World Excel Overview is also for this Study

Most of the countries researched in 2022 continued the recovery seen in 2021. Germany, France, Denmark and Finland show negative growth in USD in 2022, but the markets increased in local currency. The exceptions were China, which was badly affected by Covid lockdowns in 2022 and Ireland, a market dominated by large data centre projects. As in 2021 the recovery was aided by price increases, which in many countries were very significant.

Average copper cables prices increased in most countries, but the variations are significant from 20 - 25%. The average rise across the 16 countries was almost 9% in 2022. Not only price increases but also uptake of higher rated cables boosted the average price significantly in several countries. Price increases on copper connectivity were generally lower than on copper cables. Fibre cables and connectivity also experienced moderate increases in 2022.

16 countries were researched in 2022 and the beginning of 2023 and they include: USA, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, China, South Korea, India, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and UAE. Data from 2021 include 7 countries; Canada, Chile, Australia, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Portugal and SEA. Data from 2020 include Japan, HK & Macao, Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. 2019 data for Norway.

The Country Reports are supplied in PDF & EXCEL Format

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  • Published: March 2023