Rule of Thumb: Electrical Criteria (BG 86/2024)

This guide partly replaces BG 9/2011 Rules of Thumb 5th Edition. It provides updated information on electrical building services systems.

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On the 20/05/2024 corrections were made to table 11 on pages 13 and 14 of the guide. All pdfs downloaded after 20/05/2024 reflect the corrections. Customers who downloaded a pdf of the guide before this date can request a corrected pdf.  

This guide provides useful information for the early stages of design of electrical building services. This includes voltages, ingress protection (IP) ratings and recommended lighting levels.

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This guide partly replaces BG 9/2011 Rules of Thumb 5th Edition. Information has been updated based on consultation with designers and manufacturers, and new information has been added, including on photovoltaic systems and electric vehicle charging facilities.

Three further guides have been published providing reference information, definitions and data for use at early stages of design:

BSRIA would be very pleased to receive feedback on this guide – what’s missing, what can be improved in the information and its presentation, and what else BSRIA can do to make buildings better. Please email any comments and suggestions to


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Product details

  • Published: February 2024
  • Publisher: BSRIA
  • Author: Chin Hang “Kay” Lam
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-86022-808-0