Review of building compliance seminars, DublinSeptember 2009

The Red Cow Hotel, Dublin was the location for two successful seminars this week covering a range of topics including Airtightness testing, thermal imaging and acoustic testing.

Organised by BSRIA and our partners in Ireland, Anderson Mechanical Services (AMS), over 50 professionals attended including architects, mechanical engineers and contractors.

Airtightness Testing

David Unwin, General Manager of BSRIA Commercial Airtightness provided an overview of Airtightness testing and the benefits of carrying it out including saving energy and money. He then went onto talk in detail about the Building Regulations realting to Ireland, which require Airtightness testing on new dwellings. While Airtightness testing of new non-dwellings is not required e.g. commercial, factories, warehouses, etc. David said it was becoming increasingly common for contractors to want the testing carried out because of the financial and energy savings.

Eamonn Miley, Senior Mechanical Engineer & Low Carbon Consultant for AMS talked about the various services the company is now offering throughout Ireland and highlighted some of their recent case study jobs. In addition to these services Eamonn talked about the importance of an Airtightness strategy when designing and constructing a building. Eamonn offered the services of AMS to act as Airtightness consultants for anybody who required assistance in this matter.

- Download the airtightness presentation (pdf)

Thermal Imaging & Acoustic Testing

Colin Pearson, Head of Condition Monitoring at BSRIA then spoke about thermal imaging and the benefits it can offer. Part E of the Building Regulations refers to acoustic testing and Colin explained in detail the practical requirements for those involved in construction. He then went on to discuss what is actually involved in the acoustic testing itself before referring to various case studies for both thermal imaging and acoustic testing.

Click to download:

- Thermal Imaging presentation
- Acoustic Testing presentation

For more information, contact BSRIA Airtightness:

T: +44 (0) 1344 465616
W: /airtightness


Construction compliance

Stress-free compliance with Building Regulations, including airtightness, sound insultation and ventilation