M&E maintenance providers struggling to meet client expectationJune 2011

Outsourced maintenance service providers can bring best practice to an organisation but a client will need year-on-year demonstration of improvement.  Measurement becomes important and adoption of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) is a powerful mechanism to monitor performance.

Last year, clients overall satisfaction was at an all-time low; possibly a reflection of the ability of service providers to provide good quality service on such tight margins.

Take part in this year's survey to receive a wallchart of the results on publication.
Download a summary of last year's results.

This survey is conducted as part of BSRIA's Operation and Maintenance Benchmarking Network.  For more information on the network and the benefits of joining contact Tracey Tilbry:

T: 01344 465512
E: tracey.tilbry@bsria.co.uk


Building investigations

Consultancy including troubleshooting, failure investigations, building performance and maintenance strategy