BSRIA launches updated Pre-Commissioning Cleaning of Pipework Systems training courseOctober 2021

BSRIA has updated its popular Pre-Commissioning Cleaning of Pipework Systems training course to reflect the new guidance provided in the amended 6th edition of seminal BSRIA guide, Pre-Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems (BG 29/2021). 

The new course will provide a better understanding of the issues and procedures involved with pre-commission cleaning and is aimed at those involved in pre-commission cleaning or overseeing the process. It will cover the main principles of pre-commission cleaning, as set out in BG 29/2021 and will provide: 

  • Knowledge of the process of bringing a closed heating or cooling system to a satisfactory state for commissioning and ongoing maintenance of water quality.
  • Familiarity with the main principles of pre-commission cleaning.
  • Awareness of the 2021 guidance changes and updates.
  • Understanding of the issues and procedures involved with pre-commission cleaning.

What is pre-commission cleaning?

Pre-commission cleaning of pipework systems is an essential stage in ensuring that closed heating and cooling systems are brought to a satisfactory state in preparation for commissioning and ongoing maintenance. 

BSRIA first produced guidance on pre-commission cleaning of pipework systems in 1991. The guidance is regularly updated to ensure it continues to lead the industry toward best practice. Systems designed and cleaned in accordance with BSRIA's guidance are far less likely to experience operating problems.

Course availability

The new training course brings the guidance contained in BG 29/2021 to life and enables attendees to develop a full understanding as well as the capability to apply the guidance in real-world scenarios.

The course, delivered by Dr Pamela Simpson —Chartered Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and Water Management Society — is now available for bookings to attend on online.

How to book your place

Bookings can be made through the BSRIA website by clicking here