BSRIA launches 2025 StrategyFebruary 2015

Julia Evans CEO

BSRIA has just launched its strategy for the next ten years. Chairman Tom Smith presented the document to the BSRIA Council at a meeting in Bracknell. He explained how BSRIA, working with the industry must stand up and be counted as thought leaders, service providers and opinion formers. He emphasised the opportunities for BSRIA’s voice to be heard widely in the industry and said “knowledge is a powerful tool and in the right hands can support governments, customers and members in their endeavours. This document is our route map to that end.”

BSRIA has reached an important milestone this year: it is 60 years since our foundation and we see the strategy as demonstrating how we can continue to be an authoritative and independent voice for the industry for the next sixty.

Julia Evans, BSRIA Chief Executive explained the BSRIA vision to be ‘leaders for information, knowledge and improvement for the built environment’. She explained how being nimble had been essential in a recession, and BSRIA had prospered during that time, but that now we are entering more stable times the organisation needs to be more planned and structured and less opportunistic.

Julia went on to say “we will work collaboratively wherever we can, we will invest in our staff and focus on talent management and individual and overall performance and above all we will continue to put our members and customers at the heart of everything we do.”

More information including BSRIA’s strategy document can be downloaded here.

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