BSRIA & Designing Buildings Wiki launch 'tomorrow's challenges in today's buildings' competitionSeptember 2017

BSRIA and Designing Buildings Wiki are launching an open competition calling for ideas that will address the issue of tomorrow’s challenges in today’s buildings. So dust off all those wild innovations you thought of in the middle of the night and write down the bizarre solutions you usually only reveal in the pub!

The competition is very simple to enter: we are just looking for ideas, which might only take a paragraph, or even a sentence to explain.

To enter: how can tomorrow's challenges be met by today's buildings?

The competition, which is open to students and professionals from all disciplines, is seeking original ideas for design solutions to the future trends that will affect the built environment. It asks the question: how can buildings be designed today to ensure they are resilient to the changes they will face tomorrow?

Ideas could relate to:

  • Urbanisation and demographics.
  • Climate change.
  • Digital technologies.
  • Energy and efficiency.
  • Health and wellbeing.
  • And more...

We are looking for ideas, so they don't have to be long answers, but answers should be made up of two parts:

• Identify a significant future challenge.
• Offer a design solution for how that challenge could be tackled in today's buildings.

The winner will receive £500 worth of BSRIA membership, training or publications, and along with 4 runners-up, will be featured in BSRIA's Delta T magazine and on Designing Buildings Wiki.

Designing Buildings Wiki co-founder, architect Dr Gregor Harvie said:

“We already know many of challenges that will confront us in the next few decades, and the buildings we are designing now will have to face those challenges. So it is crucial we consider what design features we should be including in buildings now to ensure they have long-term resilience. This competition is an opportunity to put forward innovative, inspiring and even controversial ideas to help start the debate.”

BSRIA’s Information & Knowledge Manager, Steve Sansom, said:

“BSRIA is delighted to launch this competition with Designing Buildings Wiki. BSRIA has been a sponsor of the Wiki for a couple of years now and we’re excited to continue to take this partnership one step further in finding ways in which we can raise awareness of the trends that building designers have to get to grips with. BSRIA’s mission statement is ‘making buildings better’ and we feel strongly about enabling the industry to enhance the value of the built environment.

BSRIA is supportive of first steps that building designers can take towards tackling future trends. And we are certainly keen to highlight education and creative and imaginative thought.

Ergo, we’re hoping this competition will lead to cutting edge industry-changing processes.”

The competition closes on Thursday 2nd November.

Designing Buildings Wiki is the only industry-wide, cross-discipline forum for finding and sharing information. Anyone can create articles about subjects they know and anyone can find articles about subjects they don’t:


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