BSRIA CEO, Julia Evans, appointed Vice Chair of the Corporation of Leeds College of BuildingAugust 2017

Julia Evans CEO

BSRIA is delighted to announce that its Chief Executive, Julia Evans, has been appointed Vice Chair of the Corporation of Leeds College of Building.

Leeds College of Building in Leeds, West Yorkshire, is the only further and higher education college in the UK which specialises in the construction and built environment industry. It was established in 1960 and currently has about 6,500 students, 15 per cent of whom are full time. The whole college has Centre of Vocational Excellence status and has built up an “enviable reputation” both regionally and nationally for its high quality of teaching, learning and assessment, together with the excellent support in serving the construction industry.

The college delivers a comprehensive range of courses including apprenticeships, further and higher education and business training.

Julia said:

“I am honoured to have been given the appointment of Vice Chair. The mission statement of the college is ‘inspiring lives and building futures’ which a career in construction and the built environment certainly does!

The college’s building and construction courses are available at all levels and range from practical, work related programmes designed to prepare students for work in a variety of trades, to technician courses that will help them progress to further study.

It is often commended on the high quality of its tuition, facilities and resources which is reflected in the achievement rates of its students. Indeed, the number of students has expanded in recent years due to the high level of interest in construction.”

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