The Chauvin Arnoux CA 8230 single-phase or balanced three-phase power analyser is easy to use. Equipped with direct access to its various functions, the CA 8230 provides all measurements needed for a comprehensive diagnostic of power and energy in an electrical installation. The instrument displays and records up to 17 different power quality parameters which allows the user to measure and qualify electrical network harmonics. There is also an inrush mode for starter current that shows a detailed waveform during the first few seconds of powering up. Designed with direct access buttons this allows simple operation of the power analyser's various functions and the unit will automatically recognise the type of sensor it is connected to.
Voltage range 6 V RMS to 600 V RMS AC + DC
AC current range 5 mA to 6,500 A
DC current range 1 A to 1,700 A
Values Min, Max, Avg, Peak (+ and -), CF
Power values W, VA, var, DF, THD, cos φ, tan φ
Energy Wh, VAh, Varh
Harmonics Up to the 50th order
Inrush waveform 18 s
Compliance IEC 61010 CAT III 600V
Important note : Instrument Solutions rental models are supplied with x1 MN93A AC CT (switchable 0.005 A to 5 A or 0.1 A to 100 A / 20 mm clamping diameter) and x1 AmpFlex A193 AC CT (0.1 A to 10,000 A / 120 mm clamping diameter). All units are also supplied with a CD copy of the DataView software for data analysis.
Sampling rate 256 samples per cycle
Voltage (TRMS) 660V AC / DC (phase-phase), 600V AC/DC (phase-neutral)
Frequency 40 - 70 Hz
Measurements kW, kVAR, PF, DPF, kWh, kVARh, kVAh, K-factor, flicker, harmonic, phase shift, phase rotation, inrush
Harmonics THD-R, THD-F, V, A, VA upto 50th order with direction & sequence
Alarms Stores up to 2096 events
Data storage 1.5 MB partitioned for waveforms, alarms and trend recording
Power supply Rechargeable NiMH batteries
Dimensions 211 x 108 x 60 mm
Weight 0.88 Kg