Testo 175H2 | Humidity data logger hire


The Testo 175H2 series data logger is a small and portable unit that makes it the ideal device for monitoring temperature and humidity in a multitude of applications. These include the commissioning of buildings, the validation enclosures such as those within pharmaceutical facilities and the monitoring of greenhouses. Logger size 82mm (H) x 52mm (W) x 30mm (D).


General logger hire information

All hire data loggers are set as a default to record at 5 minute intervals with a user start. If an alternative logging period is required, or a timed start, then we must be notified of this prior to the hire of the instruments.

For the hire of ≤10 units we do not charge for the time to download the instruments or the supply of the data in Excel spread sheet format. For the hire of >10 units the costs for the data download is charged at an hourly rate.

The 175H2 has an adjustable logging interval via the software from 10 seconds to 24 hour increments. With a 16 000 sized readings memory this equates to the following capacity:-

16000 size memory (2 channels - x1 temperature & x1 humidity)

30 second logging interval = 2.8 days maximum capacity

1 minute logging interval = 5.6 days maximum capacity

5 minute logging interval = 27.8 days maximum capacity

10 minute logging interval = 55.6 days maximum capacity


175H2 specification (1 channel internal humidity and 1 channel internal temperature data logger)

Storage temperature -40 to +85°C

Probe type NTC

Memory 16000 readings

Measuring range -20 to +70°C

Accuracy ±0.5°C (-20 to +70°C)

Resolution 0.1 °C (-20 to +70°C)

Probe type Capacitive humidity sensor

Measuring range 0 to 100%rh

Accuracy ± 3%rh

Resolution 0.1%rh

Support documents

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Testo 171 175 177 hire user manual.pdf Testo 171 175 177 hire user manual
Technical document
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Adobe Acrobat
Download (69 KB)
Testo 175 series user manual.pdf Testo 175 series user manual
Technical document
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Adobe Acrobat
Download (824 KB)
Testo ComSoft Basic V5.0 software (for logger types 174, 175, 176 and 177) - SP6.4.exe Testo ComSoft Basic V5.0 software (for logger types 174, 175, 176 and 177) - SP6.4
File type
Windows software
Download (168 MB)
Testo ComSoft Basic V5.0 software manual .pdf Testo ComSoft Basic V5.0 software manual
Technical document
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Adobe Acrobat
Download (1 MB)

Common customer questions & answers

QQuestion Can I hire the PC logger interface and software?
AAnswer If you wish to download these loggers on-site we are able to hire you a laptop PC with the software pre loaded along with a PC interface cable and logger cradle. Please contact our Instrument Hire team for additional information.
QQuestion Can I manually stop and/or restart the logger to take measurements in a different location?
AAnswer No, once the instrument has started logging, you can only stop by connecting to a PC with the correct interface and software.
QQuestion What is the default logging interval period?
AAnswer All instrument rental models are supplied as standard with the logging interval set at 5 minutes from user starting logging by holding Go for 3-4 seconds. If an alternative interval time or a a start and end time / date is required, please specify this at the time of ordering. You cannot set the units without software and a PC.
QQuestion Can I hire a housing so that the instrument can be used outside?
AAnswer Yes, we offer an external housing as an accessory item for hire - see the Stevenson Screen for the Testo 175 series in the related products below.