Company profiles


Company Profiles:

  • Potential M&A targets
  • Competitor profiles
  • Partner evaluation

Independent and authoritative assessments of competitors and potential partners

Having a clearly differentiated value proposition is vital in today’s crowded market. Whether you need to benchmark your offerings against the competition or are looking for acquisitions or partners, BSRIA can provide you with independent company profiles, SWOT analysis and capability assessments of your competitors and other market players.

BSRIA can also distil industry best practice from its knowledge and profiling activities. Your rivals can be a positive source of insight. Profiling can be an excellent tool for companies to learn what has worked well (and what hasn’t), discover new strategies as well as understand how to work in partnership to establish new revenue streams.

Our industry experts have been asked to assess many different aspects of market players, from evaluating likely partners or targets in nearby markets, to identifying the potential impact of competitor activities and new campaigns.

BSRIA unbiased views on market players

BSRIA's company profiling can include detailed analysis on; commercial activities, product positioning, core capabilities, manufacturing facilities and geographic footprint. With our experienced analysts and deep market knowledge, we can help you assess the players in the market as potential partners, acquisition targets or simple competitors.

If you need to understand the competitions’ latest moves or are looking to expand rapidly without waiting for new acquisitions, our consultants can help you assess any target company or prospective partner.

Contact us on +44 (0)1344 465540 or to explore further.

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