Windows + Portables (European Air Conditioning 2021/R2020)

In Western Europe the market has not shown the downturn anticipated by the constant disruptions from the pandemic; however, the residential and commercial sectors were affected differently. In Scandinavia, the strong environmental shift has formed a robust basis for a quicker recovery. Southern Europe seems harder hit not only due to the pandemic, but also due to national elections and poor summer weather. Study includes 15 European Countries

In Western Europe the market has not shown the downturn anticipated by the constant disruptions from the pandemic; however, the residential and commercial sectors were affected differently. In Scandinavia, the strong environmental shift has formed a robust basis for a quicker recovery. Southern Europe seems harder hit not only due to the pandemic, but also due to national elections and poor summer weather. In Eastern Europe, Chinese manufacturers have invested in branding in the last years and continue to increase their market share, in particularly in the residential market.

Products Covered in Reports : Windows + Portable Air Conditioning Units

Countries Covered include:- Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland 

Format of Reports : PDF + EXCEL

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  • Published: June 2021