Soft Landings Set of 7 guides (SL7)

BSRIA's set contains GSL guide, How to Procure Soft Landings, Soft Landings Framework, Soft Landings Core Principles, Success Criteria for Soft Landings, Soft Landings Case Studies and Pitstopping guides

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Soft Landings: 1-day Practical Introduction

The Soft Landings framework provides a step-by-step process for clients and their project teams to follow in order to avoid common pitfalls and deliver a better-performing product. It aims to create virtuous circles for all.

No matter whether your project is attempting to achieve exemplary environmental standards, or is a simple extension or retrofit of an existing building, the Soft Landings culture can be applied to ensure outcomes match the client’s intentions.

Product details

  • Published: October 2019
  • Publisher: BSRIA
  • Author: BSRIA