Grant Instruments sq16 multichannel logger

The Grant sq16 is an entry level logger with long battery life, making it ideal for portable and routine data logging applications. The logger can be started or stopped using the multi function button which displays logger status, this means a PC is not required to run the logger in situ. You can store up to 200 million readings in the Squirrel’s onboard memory and up to 6 logger configurations. Use the SD Card memory slot for grabbing measured data in the field or use the SquirrelView app or software to download and export your data.

The sq16plus boasts more advanced technology, giving faster logging speeds. With 3 and 4 wire PT resistance probe support, you get the best accuracy in temperature measurement.


Key features and capabilities

  • Simple to use straight out of the box
  • Long battery life gives long life operation and portability
  • Tough casing and robust design ideal for environmental applications
  • SD memory card for ease of data transfer
  • Compact and portable
  • 16 single ended or 8 differential inputs
  • 0.1 % of range + 0.1 % of reading basic accuracy
  • Up to 200 million readings
  • 128 channel expansion possible using the Grant sqhub (not available with the sq16 basic model)
  • Derive up to 16 calculated (virtual) channels from real input channels using mathematical functions
Grant sq16 plus with the sqhub communications gateway that gives connectivity between loggers and a whole host of networking possibilities. WiFi, Ethernet, Open Thread, Lora and 4G connections

Important notes

Available to hire is the standard sq16 loggers complete with pre wired connectors for x16 single ended Type K and Type T mini plug sockets,  The equipment is also provided with a USB stick containing a basic version of  the SquirrelView software or it can be downloaded from this web page. Windows 10 or later version only available,

July 2022 - The sq16pro version of this product is not available 


For a detailed breakdown of the products technical specifications, accuracies, software capabilities and logging speeds please refer to the manufacturers data sheets.

Differential or single ended inputs?

All Grant Squirrel data loggers come with a range of channel options, e.g. 8 to 16 inputs. This refers to their ability to accept either single ended or true differential signals.

Single-ended inputs – each input signal has two connection wires. One is connected to a common terminal on the logger (see diagram). This increases the number of inputs possible to the logger, but results in all the connected sensors having an input at a common potential. However, unlike many loggers, the Grant Squirrel allow these common terminals to be at different potentials (on separate connector blocks), optimising the overall system accuracy.

Differential inputs – each input signal has two connection wires and the logger measures the difference between them. One wire goes to a positive input and one to a negative input (see diagram). In this case none of the inputs needs to be at the same potential as any of the others.

Support documents

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Grant sq16 getting started guide.pdf Grant sq16 getting started guide
Technical document
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Grant Squirrel sq16 data sheet.pdf Grant Squirrel sq16 data sheet
Technical document
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Grant Squirrel sq16 overview data sheet.pdf Grant Squirrel sq16 overview data sheet
Technical document
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Grant Squirrel sq16plus data sheet.pdf Grant Squirrel sq16plus data sheet
Technical document
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Grant SqurelView software (V1.0.37).zip Grant SqurelView software (V1.0.37)
Support documents
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Common customer questions & answers

QQuestion How long does the internal batteries last on a sq16 data logger ?
AAnswer Up to 6 months if all channels were logging every 15 minutes. We would recommend however wherever possible the batteries are only used as a back-up to the portable power supply supplied with every unit.
QQuestion Can I use my existing SquirrelView software with the new sq16 model?
AAnswer Unfortunately not, you will be required to download the software version V1.0.37 or higher from our link above or via the manufacturers website: