Building Services Design set of three guides (BSD3)

This set comprises three BSRIA guides for building services designers, covering reports, specifications, and allocation of responsibilities.


This set comprises three BSRIA guides for building services designers:
  • BG 71/2017 Building Services Reports provides guidance in promoting consistency in the industry through common report definitions and standard report frameworks. For each type of report covered, this guide aims to outline what that report should achieve, in addition to highlighting key points and guidance to assist the reader in developing their own particular report structure.
  • BG 56/2016 Model Format for Building Services Specifications aids efficiency and understanding for all parties involved in preparing and using specifications. It provides the general framework covering the arrangement of sections and clauses within which an author can use their content with the least amount of change.
  • BG 6/2018 Design Framework for Building Services contains design activity pro-formas and drawing/model definitions that are used to support contract documentation and to encourage efficient collaborative working between building services and other designers such as architects, structural engineers and also along building services supply chains.

Product details

  • Published: June 2018
  • Publisher: BSRIA
  • Author: BSRIA