

The Intelligent Building Controls report contains a detailed overview of products and systems sales, market size, sales and market share bands for all established suppliers, by DDC product, and a total system sales and the volume of business that each distribution channel process, comparing trends in both product and system sales.

The BSRIA Proplan report is the first report to be published with a new structure. The report is modular with separate sections for Systems and Products. The reports will contain a common introduction and conclusion, but it will now be possible to purchase a report with either the system or product section as well as buying the complete report with all sections, allowing you to customize the report to best suit your requirements.


全球楼宇控制报告(56290) - (Release date January 2013)

包含的国家: Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, Sweden, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Japan, Australia, North America and Brazil.

包含的产品: 每个国家都有一本 ppt 格式的报告。全球excel格式的数据报告中包含了各个国家地区分主要厂家和产品的销量和份额,包括控制器,传感器,阀门,阀门执行器,阻尼执行器,其他产品,整体产品,整体楼宇制动化和控制,整体厂家的营收,服务&维护,已安装系统容量,整体增值服务市场,每个国家的市场进入路径,每个国家的纵向市场研究,每个主要企业的纵向市场研究。

额外补充: 我们还将以ppt格式文件提供每个国家及地区还有全球的市场简介。

North American Market For Intelligent and Integrated Building Technologies北美智能建筑和综合建筑市场报告
(Released April 2010)

报告有: 集成,环境(HVAC)控制,灯控,电子安防系统,消防系统和报警系统

评论: BSRIA与北美大陆楼宇自动化协会战略合作, partnership with The North American based Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA), 出版了北美智能楼宇报告

BSRIA 楼宇控制深度报告有:

智能楼宇控制-环境控制 - The EU(6) Market 2012-2017 *
(France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and Netherlands) (Release date: March-2013)

智能楼宇控制-环境控制- 巴西市场 (2012-2017)
(Release date: January 2013)

智能楼宇控制-环境控制- 巴西市场- 中国市场(2012-2017)
(Release date: January 2013)

智能楼宇控制-环境控制 - 中东市场(2009-2014) (Release date: May-2010)

系统报告,产品报告,产品和系统结合报告 (分国家,UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia); 产品报告-分国家(UAE/Qatar/Saudi Arabia)

智能楼宇控制- 环境 - 中国市场 2008-2013
(Release date: March-09)
可以拆分成以下子报告: 系统报告,产品报告,产品和系统结合的报告

智能楼宇控制 - 环境 - 印度市场 2007-2012
(Release date: February-08)

智能楼宇控制 - 环境 - 中欧市场 2005-2010 * (Release date: August-06)


